Wikinews:Dynamic quiz/quiz/2007/44

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Welcome to the Wikinews World News Quiz, giving you a chance to test your knowledge on this week's news.

Last Updated: October 30, 2007




California wildfires.
Image: Jeff Turner.
What wind was an important contributor to the California wildfires?

San Diego wind
Santa Anna wind
Chinook wind
Diablo wind


Computer model of the Chang'e 1 spacecraft.
Image: NASA.
China last week launched Chang'e 1, the country's first lunar orbiter. Which of the following statements about that mission is not true?

The lunar probe is named after the Chinese God of the Heavens
The probe will broadcast 30 patriotic Chinese songs when orbiting the Moon
Yang Liwei, the first man who went into space as part of the Chinese space program, told a news agency that he and his fellow taikonauts could form a new branch of the Communist Party in space
China hopes to put a taikonaut on the moon in 10 to 15 years

3 Turkey launched an airstrike against rebels in Iraq. What is the ethnicity of the rebels?



File:Burma 3 150.jpg
Aung San Suu Kyi in 1995.
Opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi left her house arrest to meet with leaderes of the military junta in what country?


5 A United Nations report on the environment from last week called for urgent action to secure the survival of humanity. Which of the following facts is not true, according to the report?

Species are become extinct 20 times faster compared to what the fossil record shows
1 of every 10 major rivers will eventually dry up due to increasing irrigation demands
By 2030, developing countries will need 120 million extra hectares to feed themselves
Rising sealevels threaten to flood the land where 60% of the global population lives


Location of Somalia.
A bomb attack on a bus in the capital of Somalia resulted in 15 deaths last week. What is the capital of Somalia?

Addis Ababa

7 What country is Somalia currently fighting in a war that began in December 2006?


8 Oil prices reached an all-time high last week of 91 U.S. dollar per barrel. Which of the following factors did not contribute to the surge?

Subprime mortgages in the U.S.
U.S. sanctions against Iran
Fears that Turkey might invade Iraq
Losses from the U.S. oil reserves

9 FEMA employees posed as journalists in a fake press conference in the United States last week. What does FEMA stand for?

Federal Event Monitoring Agency
Federal Elderly Medical Agency
Federal Evaluation and Mediation Agency
Federal Emergency Managment Agency

10 What comet suddenly became more than one million times brighter in what scientists labelled as an outburst?

Comet Sherlock
Comet Holmes
Comet Watson
Comet Conan