Sebastian Rode signs four-year deal with Borussia Dortmund

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

On Monday, German football club Borussia Dortmund announced the signing of 25-year-old midfielder Sebastian Rode from Bayern Munich on a four-year deal. By mutual agreement, the clubs kept the terms of signing undisclosed.

File photo of Sebastian Rode
Image: Niklas B.
I've been a BVB fan since a child and am therefore delighted that a transfer to my favourite club worked out.

—Sebastian Rode

Rode joined Bayern in 2014 on a four-year deal from Eintracht Frankfurt. He made 46 Bundesliga appearences with the Bavarians, scoring three goals, and has also played eight German Cup matches. Rode won two back-to-back Bundesliga titles, and a DFB-Pokal cup against Dortmund last month in which Dortmund lost in a penalty shootout decider. Rode has also featured in eleven UEFA Champions League matches for Munich and scored one goal.

Bayern München chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said, "Sebastian Rode asked us to release him from his contract because he thinks he has a chance to play on a regular basis in Dortmund" ((de))German language: ‍Sebastian Rode hat uns gebeten, ihn aus seinem Vertrag frei zu geben, weil er in Dortmund die Chance sieht, regelmäßig zu spielen.

After the transfer, Sebastian Rode said, "I've been a BVB fan since a child and am therefore delighted that a transfer to my favourite club worked out." ((de))German language: ‍Ich bin von Kindesbeinen an BVB-Fan und freue mich schon deshalb sehr, dass es mit dem Transfer zu meinem Lieblingsklub geklappt hat.
