Nine killed by car bomb in Iraq, 31 injured

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nine people were killed and 31 were injured after a car bomb blew up in the city of Falluja in western Iraq, local officials said. At least five of the victims were police officers.

This is the second bomb blast in the Anbar province within the past few days. Six people were killed after a suicide bomber detonated explosives at a funeral in Haditha on Monday.

"Security forces are still looking for victims under the rubble," said the head of the Amiriya local municipal council, Shaker al-Issawi.

According to reports from witnesses, the blast was so strong that it threw bodies onto rooftops of neighbouring buildings.

Unlike previous such explosions, this explosion did not appear to be set by a suicide bomber. A witness near where the car bomb exploded said that a man had parked a blue truck, and left it a quarter of an hour before it exploded.
