Tauranga man charged with the robbery of a bank

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Adam Leatham, 22, was arrested on Saturday for armed robbery of a Cherrywood Westpac bank branch last week, Tuesday, May 23.

Leatham appeared in Tauranga District Court this morning for five charges relating to the robbery.

Police say that he was wearing orange overalls, a balaclava and a pistol when he stole $6300 from Cherrywood at about 3:15 p.m.

Outside the bank Leatham was trying to hijack a car, he threatened an old man with his pistol, eventually stealing a black Mitsubishi Mirage. The car was later found abandoned around Fairmont Terrace in the Glenn Terrace or Ridge Street area.

Leatham will be back in court Friday.

Police would like any information from anyone who saw "suspicious activity" around the bank on Tuesday, around 2:00 p.m.
